The Finnish Traffic and Transportation Planning Association actively publishes the Liikenne yearbook. Liikenne has been published in printed form from 2018 onwards. It was preceded by Liikenne magazine, which was published quarterly for decades and Liikenne/Kaupunki, which was published between 2011 and 2013. Additionally, Liikenne has been published as a yearbook for a couple of years at the turn of the 1970s and 1980s. Liikenne meets the level 1 criteria of JUFO.
The latest Liikenne yearbook is available in digital form half a year after the publication date. The printed version is shipped after publication to the members of our association. You can inquire and order new or older printed yearbooks from our office in Tampere ( for the price of 40 euros per book + possible shipping costs.
Publications mentioned before and hundreds of other older publications and materials related to transportation field can be seen (or loaned when agreed) at the Library of history of transport planning. The library is maintained and developed by our association. It is located in our office premises (Haapalinnantori 4, 33270 Tampere, Finland).
Liikenne yearbook
Society’s yearbook Liikenne (“Traffic and Transportation” in Finnish) is published annually. It contains articles related to strategic traffic plan in Finnish, English and Swedish.